SCHEDULE for Arts to Zion Studio TOUR

The new schedule is out for the Arts to Zion Studio TOUR Martin Luther King weekend!

Here is the event schedule, courtesy Arts to Zion’s TOUR website:


 Open Thursday, January 14th, 2016:  Open Friday, January 15th, 2016  Open Private/Home Studios: 10-3pm
Open Private/Home Studios: 10-3pm
(Punchcard ticket and map required)
Student Exhibitions: 4-8pm
Difiore Center for Art and Education
Dixie State University at North Plaza
Eccles-ColorSt. George Weaving Studio
St George Galleries
Fine Art
After Hours- 6-9pm
(Punchcard ticket and map required)
Authentique Fine Art Gallery
The Mission Gallery
“Arts to Zion” ShowcaseThe Mission Gallery
 Open Private/Home Studios: 10-3pm
(Punchcard ticket and map required)
Art on Main/St George
Gallery Stroll – 4-8pm
(Free with registration,
Punchcards will be validated for drawing)
St George Art Museum
Authentique Fine Art Gallery
The Mission Gallery
Split Rock Art Gallery
“Arts to Zion” Showcase
Bedard Fne Art Gallery
Art and Soul Gallery
Wide Angle Gallery
Remax Fine Art Gallery
Electric Theater Center/
Arrowhead Gallery etc
DiFiore Center of Arts and Education: 8-11 pm
(Private invitation for our patrons)St George Historic Distric
(Punchcard ticket and map required)Leeds, UT
Silver Reef Museum
Plein air artists – 10-3pm
(Free with registration,
Punchcards will be validated for drawing)
Silver Reef Museum
Book signing – 10-3pm
(Several local photography and history books
about Silver Reef, and Dixie)
Silent Auction ends at 3pm
“Arts to Zion” Showcase
Drop off your punchcards here before 3pm,
for chance to win drawing for the overnight
vacations at our sponsoring hotels.
Kayenta Art Village
Fine Art Walk – 10-4pm
(Free with registration,
Punchcards will be validated for drawing)
Juniper Sky Fine Art Gallery
Gallery 873
Blue Raven
Purple Sage studios
Zia Pottery
Open Private/Home Studios:10-3pm
(Punchcard ticket and map required)
